Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Best Traits to Look for When Hiring a Sales Team

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In order to build a strong sales team, there are a few things to look for in people. KMG Consultants prides itself in its system of finding the perfect sales team. By being able to point out some outstanding traits, building a great sales team can be easier than you think.

Sales Mentality
This trait is crucial in creating a versatile sales team. Find a person that will prepare thoroughly and be able to have the patience. This kind of drive will push them to never rest until they find success. This kind of mentality focuses salespeople on always looking for the next best big step, and to create new points of sale.

The sales industry is based on customer relations, so salespeople should be able to relate to the customer and be able to support them in making the right decisions. Empathetic salespeople listen more than talk, and genuinely care for the happiness of the customer. Customers that can see that their salesperson is empathetic will always want to come back to do business. When the customer is happy, so is the business.

A great personality is not complete without a touch of confidence. Being able to walk into a potential sale with the belief that the deal can be closed is a great attribute to possess. Unconfident salespeople are easy to let the sale go by. Find the right type of person by seeing how confident they are in their abilities, and never folding to a prospect.

Invest Time Well
Knowing when a sale is going to work and which ones won’t is a skill that needs to be developed. However, a great salesperson should know that their time is precious, especially when they are on the clock. Being able to have priorities, and cutting out any efforts that wont get them anywhere is a crucial skill to have.

Sees Problems as Opportunities
People who are afraid of challenges are not people you want on your sales team. A salesperson should see any problem as a way to prove their worth, and in turn find a way to succeed. The sales industry has no easy paths to follow, so being able to see difficulty and still persist is very valuable.

Good Planner
Salespeople need a plan of attack when selling to prospects. Great planners will help get what you’re looking for. A salesperson that makes decisions on the fly will usually make more mistakes. Sales team leaders should focus on finding someone that is prepared for anything, with backup plans if something doesn’t go their way.

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