Thursday, June 12, 2014

3 Must-Read Sales Books

Flickr CC via  Corey Templeton

There are thousands of sales books that have been published over the years, but not all of them are very useful. Searching online for sales books or even just glancing at the “sales” shelf at the bookstore can quickly become overwhelming.

If you’re looking to up your sales knowhow through some good reading, you probably want to take more than just the cover design and title into account. Many great books have been published with lackluster titles and artwork, and many terrible books have been published with stellar titles and cover design.

It’s the content inside that counts for books, and KMG Consultants has picked out a few standout sales books that have lasted the test of time and risen to the top of the heap.

1.     SPIN Selling by Neil Rickham is one of the best selling sales books of all time. Rackham uses hard evidence from 35,000 sales to support his advice, proving that some tactics really do work. The book is an easy read, beginning with an introduction to the research before jumping headlong into the meat of the book. An essential read for anyone who sells or plans to sell.

2.     Little Red Book of Selling by Jeffrey Gittomer breaks the complex processes involved in sales down to their very essences. The Little Red Book explains how to understand the essence of and use that knowledge to improve success.  It’s a short read and is perfect for anyone that is just beginning or getting interested in sales.

3.     Secrets of Closing the Sale by Zig Ziglar lays out several easy to understand principles of success, which heavily influenced many of the sales techniques and trainings that exist today. Ziglar wrote twenty-one books on personal growth, leadership, sales, faith, and success in his lifetime—nine of which landed spots on the bestseller list. Touted by many as the only sales book you’ll ever need and the sales book of all sales books, Secrets of Closing the Sale is an absolute must read.

These three books are the perfect start for learning more about sales. Do you have any other sales books you would recommend?

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