Monday, December 23, 2013

Tips On Staying Awake During Tough Office Hours

Tips On Staying Awake During Tough Office Hours

Flickr CC NavyJackBell

As much as we love selling and putting in hours at the business, we all have those days where it’s rough to stay alert and focused. Here are a few tips on how to keep you going when you feel like you are slowing down.

Coffee: It’s a must in the office for a lot of people, but if you do drink coffee regularly, make sure to consume it gradually through out the day and not all at once. That way, you can stay caffeinated throughout the day, and not crash when you stop.

Get Active: Every 30-60 minutes, do something physically active such as walking or some push-ups. When you stay in one position for a long time, your body may start to get comfortable. Jolt it with some energy by spicing up your physical activity.

Chew Something!:Chewing gum can keep your mind stimulated. By forcing your body to constantly perform a physical act (chewing) you make your to body think you are about to eat. Your body will there prepare for food intake by releasing insulin, making you more alert. If you don’t like chewing gum, try chewing ice. The freezing temperature keeps the brain on its does.

Come to the Light: Leave the interior of the office and get some natural light. Take some time out of your lunch to go for a stroll outside the office. It may also relieve you of feeling caged-in or boxed-in by your office.

Eat Healthy: Stay away from eating heavy meals. Foods such as pizza or french fries are heavy on starch, which will slow you down. Also, a big meal means a larger spike in sugar intake, followed by the inevitable crash.

Under Pressure: Want to attempt something different? Try a little acupressure to feel more alert. Pull down on your earlobes or press against the back of your knees (close to four fingers down from your knees). Massaging these spots will improve circulation and ease tiredness.

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